Welcome to the first part of a series covering The Politics of Star Wars. This first section introduces the series and the goal of the project be...
It's January 2021 and this is the first installment of Movies for the Moment. Let's take a look back at what we've been going thro...
Who the heck is Krampus and why is everybody always talking about him around the Holidays? Well, he's a hairy, long-tongued Christmas demon. Some people will tell you he'...
What are the politics of Star Wars? Let's get something clear right up front: those movies have been jam-packed with political messages since the very first film in 1977. They'...
Way back in May of 2012, reports started coming through that MTV was in the early stages of developing a TV series based on Wes Craven's seminal Scream and I was livid.
Scream w...